If you enjoy traveling around the world on leisure and luxury then Canada is one great luxury and exotic travel destination to visit because there are many sightseeing places. Going to Canada on a luxury holiday gives you a wide variety of luxury destinations to choose from the destinations below are just a tip of the best luxury destinations found in Canada.
The Great Bear rain forest
Vegetation and location of the rain forest:
This forest runs across 250 miles on the coast of British Columbia on the West coast of Canada it is the largest coastal rainforest tin the world that still remains intact. The rain forest is home to the largest Grizzly bears in the country of Canada and also home to the rare spirit bear popularly known as the Kermode bear the forest is also habitat to the coastal wolves. The rainforest is still intact with most of its vegetation still intact this includes plants like the red cedar and the giant hemlock.
Attractions and accommodation in the great Bear rainforest
Since the rain forest is on the beach then you can enjoy any beach sports that you would like to participate in like beach football· Whale watching is one of the great activities that you can also enjoy when you visit this great forest. To get to the rain forest you will need to board a float plane to get you to the rain forest. One of the best and well known luxury hotels is the Kings Place lodge that is found deep in the rainforest it has several activities that will make your holiday a memorable one.
The city of Vancouver has been described as one of the best luxury travel destinations in Canada it offers tourists and travelers are wide variety of activities to engage in it is also well known for the exciting sporting activities. The Gouse Mountain offers your ideal exotic skiing destination there are several ski areas and the lodges and hotels found in the area leave you feeling pampered. The wreck beach offers a great place to surf and you can enjoy kite surfing or simply strolling on the beach and enjoying the serene beauty of the environment Vancouver is also home to several museums that will keep art lovers occupied there also markets that you can buy antiques and souvenirs to take back home.
The Niagara Falls
This is one of the great attractions that will give you a memorable visit the falls are the main attraction though there are several other exotic places around the falls that will keep you occupied The behind the falls tour is a great opportunity for you to get a behind view of the falls this ride can be taken through a luxury speed boat that are on offer from tour operators· For those who love to pamper themselves there is a region near the falls that is home to the Iniskiilin winery that brews very good ice wine which is made from grapes that have been left on ice to freeze.
There are very many luxury attractions found across Canada and this leaves both the business and tourist travelers spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing their holiday destination. There are several options in terms of transport you can opt to hire a car to travel around with or you can opt to drive your own car. If you opt to drive your own car you will need to ensure that your car and your driving license are in order. This can be done through the UK driving licence.
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